Monday 26 April 2010

They don't call me 'Phil Space' for nothing

Phil: Come to think of it, they don't call me Phil Space at all. The title of my co-blogger's most recent post reminds me very much of the BBC's pre-race coverage, minus the annoying bleeping countdown thing and the annoying Eddie Jordan thing.

I have to say also that I agree entirely with him about the possibility of Ferrari, or anyone else, running a third car. Ferrari have long had the ear of F1's senior management (Max and Bernie), and presumably all the more so since 'their' man, Jean Todt, is now at the helm, but I think they're mistaken if they think they can prevail on the rulemakers to allow third cars: economies of scale notwithstanding, it goes completely against the grain of making F1 more accessible to small teams (opening the grid to new teams, awarding points down to tenth place, etc). Presumably, everyone at Ferrari knows this, and flirting with Rossi is a way of reminding Massa he needs Ferrari more than they need him.

Michelin might be back! Does anyone know any jokes about the 2005 US Grand Prix?

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