Saturday 17 April 2010

China Quali

Justin: Odd, throughout quali Vettel didn't look as fast as Webber and Hamilton was caning Button. When it mattered though Button went faster than Hamilton and squeezed ahead of him. Vettel went fastest in Q3, when he had been 6th or there abouts in Q1 and Q2. The Red Bull's look like they are starting to dominate, with Webber second and Fernando third. Again, where was Shumi compared to Rosberg?! If it doesnt get any better for the German, I wouldn't bet against him walking away from F1 sooner or later. True he doesnt give up, but I bet he would find it a strain to stay motivated trundling around in 8th. I also have to mention Alonso making Massa look very slow once again :-). I managed to get up at 6 50am, missing the pre-amble but making it in time for Quali. Oh and Vettel uses the word "baby" waaaaayyyy too much.

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