Saturday 10 March 2018

F1 2018...go, go, go!!!!


So, welcome back readers. I'm welcoming myself back here too. I last blogged in August 2017, after visiting Oviedo and the Fernando Alonso Collection.

It's been a while, for sure.

Before I go into what is happening in F1 - I just need to bask in the glory of the fact I have a ticket to see the Canadian Grand Prix this year. I cannot wait. Grandstand 12, 3 day ticket with mates, flat booked and flight booked. Bring it on.

That's four F1 themed holidays in the last four years - three of those were/are Grand Prix: Hungary 2015, Singapore 2016, Canada 2018. Boom.

I also need to purchase the new book by Darren Heath - I have all the others and need a bit of F1 photography before the first race. If I'm brave I may hashtag him when sharing this blog on Twitter in a shameless attempt to get more reads :-). Well, here is a link to his website anyway.

The rundown 
In truth, I survived the 3 or so months over winter with no F1 ( as opposed to every other year where I always needed a good F1 book). The title race became dull over the second half of 2017.

I'm using the BBC gossip column to update myself on rounding up the news here.

Some bits and pieces...

1. Looks like business as usual at the front end with Mercedes leading the way, followed by Ferrari and Red Bull.

2. After those teams, I think it's going to be closer than ever. Haas and Renault look like they have improved on 2017, whilst McLaren have made the biggest time difference gain in testing (fastest lap to fastest lap).

3. But really, we don't know until Australia. I'd imagine it will be a Mercedes clean sweep as usual. Sad and cynical as it makes me sound.

Here is Andrew Benson breaking it down.

No disrespect to Bottas, but surely Ricciardo is on his way to Mercedes for 2019. Or Ferrari.

Actually, I'm hoping Bottas runs Hamilton much closer in 2018.

I think I called it incorrectly in my last blog. I thought Max was fed up at Red Bull, but he has signed a long term deal now. So, Ricciardo is looking at options and playing it cool for a bit.

This guy is running in the WEC this year too. Fair play! I'm hoping McLaren have built a car worthy of his speed this year. Time to buy some new Alonso/ McLaren/ Renault merchandise.

Not sure why they are faffing about hiring a Hollywood music person to write a theme song for F1.

There are surely bigger things to concentrate on first.

The state of TV in the UK after 2018 maybe?! More of this soon.

Maybe give the cash they are spending on the theme song back to the smaller teams. Or, give it to circuits that need to upgrade their facilities to be able to stay on the F1 calendar.

There's so many things they could do before faffing with a theme song for crying out loud.

A theme song? It's as if Bernie "let's have medals and sprinklers" Ecclestone never left.

TV coverage in UK
We have to take Liberty at their word. I imagine they explored the Sky contract for 2019 and it is watertight. That doesn't help viewing figures though.

Channel 4 gets more viewers for free practice sessions than Sky does for races.

It's all about money unfortunately. Though, I'd imagine Channel 4 could afford to pay large sums for a new live contract if they were given a chance.

Their coverage is awesome. They need to appeal to a wider audience as a given. Thus, their show is fun and accessible. But they also have the tech stuff too.

I watched Sky coverage twice. I've been watching F1 for 33 years now and I prefer Channel 4 coverage, even as a seasoned F1 viewer and fan. My I do sound pompous.

Anyway, who knows what coverage in the UK will be like after 2018. Let's enjoy it for now.

Roll on Australia, roll on F1 and roll on race day!

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