Sunday 19 June 2011

Canadian GP Final Lap Grandstand Finish

Justin: Well, it's been a week since the amazing race in Montreal. We've had some time for it to sink in and reflect upon what was the best race of the year (there have been many of those but usually with a predictable winner...not here though!) and in many ways it gave us the grandstand finish the red flag/ safety car robbed us of in Monaco.

Button's drive from last to first was clinical, classy and brutally quick. At one stage near the end of the race he was over 2 seconds a lap faster than Vettel in the lead.

This race had everything! Hamilton providing overly enthusiastic overtakes, punting Webber into a spin as well as being involved in a 50/50 with Button. Button was taking his racing line, but as other bloggers on the BBC website have stated, you can quite clearly see Button looking into his mirros twice just before the two cars touched. Whether he actually saw Hamilton, who knows. I suspect Jenson genuinely didn't see him. Hamilton was not right alongside Jenson at all, so you could say Jenson was just following his line and thats that frankly.

There were safety car periods galore, not to mention the two hour wait for the rain to calm down a bit. This was the longest F1 GP in history at just over 4 hours!

We had a resurgant Michael Shumacher driving like a man possessed in the 15 or so laps towards the end of the race. He was running in second and he, Webber and Button were chasing each other and actually catching Vettel. I for one was actually dissapointed we didn't see Schumi get a podium....oh how times have changed!

We had Button and Alonso touching as they diced their way through the field. This was a racing incident, with no guy really to blame. Button was not fully alongside Alonso on the inside as they turned into the chicane. With Alonso on the outside going in, he would have had the inside line going out. So Button said "I'm coming through, you decide if we touch or not"...Alonso said "You're not coming through, I have the line, but theres room for two"...and bang, Alonso is out and Button gets a puncture.

Watching those final few laps as Button hunted down Vettel made the hairs on my neck stand on end. What a truly amazing finish to an extraordinary race! 0.9 seconds on the last lap, Button swarming all over the back of Vettel's exhaust, then Vettel spins and Button slides through to take an immense victory and fully deserved one at that too.

I could write about this race for hours, but the best way to review the race and enjoy it to the max isnt to read about it here, but to go and watch it again!

Mark Webber amused me in the press conference, as he usually does with his down the line assessement of the day. He said each of the guys on the podium deserved what they got today. He was basically saying "yeah, amazing drive JB nice one"...but at the same moment you could see Seb thinking "what the fuck? I was leading all the way and I deserve second?" It's the same sort of thing as when Hamilton won when Webber claimed it was good for F1 and the others chasing that someone else had won a race. From a driver view I totally agree, but would Red Bull like this?

Speaking of drivers and teams, there have been a few rumours already about movers and shakers for next year. Red Bull and Mark Webber seem rather unsure of what they are up to. Red Bull claim Webber told them he wants to stay and they are happy to have him. Webber then said we'll wait and see. Hamilton was seen talking to Lewis at Montreal in a 15 minute "private social discussion"...yeah right. If Lewis wants to leave Mclaren, Red Bull is his only viable option.

Onto Valencia we go!

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