Saturday 23 April 2011

Did you get his autograph?

Justin: Well, having Button park in your drive is much better than having Hamilton park in your drive surely...moving on :-).

Just over a month until the "I Was Having A Blog" live Monaco weekend gets underway. I should remind my co-blogger to get watching the 2007 review dvd if he hasn't done so already, so he can return it a year after having borrowed it :-).

Quick news round up....

- Robert Kubica is improving daily and has left hospital to rest at home for a few days before he heads to Italy to begin his rehabilitation programme. It should be noted that he still only has rather limited use of his injured hand, and nobody really knows if he will ever return. Fingers crossed...pardon the pun. Part of the issue of course is that he hasnt been using the muscles to move his hand for weeks now, so they are rather under strength. Once the strength has been regained in those muscles, they can properly assess the hand...I think.

- Turkey looks likely to be wiped from the F1 season in 2012 thanks to Bernie and his ways with cash.

Thats about it from F1 to furnish the easter weekend with and to combat a tiresome, boring royal wedding next about sucking big time!

- The DRS might not be used at Monaco due to safety reasons...

- Alonso and Hamilton are their countries highest earning sports stars apparently.

- Just bought myself another F1 book - F1:On This Day. It provides a day by day event analysis of things that happened in F1 through history on each day of the year. Aces!

- There is a rumour that F1 could switch to Pay TV if bought by Murdoch....I doubt either will ever happen as long as Bernie is around. Plus the concorde agreement between teams demands that F1 be on free to air tv.


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