Saturday 26 June 2010

Valencia Baby!!

Justin: These are exciting times. Ferrari have a host of updates to their car, one of which apparently is a new rear end which isn't entirely unlike that of the Red Bull. Maclaren and others are worried about this as it is thought to be worth half a second a lap.

That's probably one of the reasons that Fernando is top of the time sheets in the European GP practice sessions! Get in! Now the title fight truly hots up again as one of the leading drivers in F1 rises to the top once again.

Oh and with reference to my co-bloggers comments on possible comebacks, I actually agree 120%. But, when did Villeneuve ever take note of what others did or thought? He's his own man and I expect him to pursue a comeback 110% whilst exploring the limits of the car.

A couple of interesting links here - the first is the BBC's Jonathon Leggard:

The BBC rumour column (which sometimes granted is total bluff):

I half agree with Penske and what he says. The drivers need to be the stars, but then a guy from Indy Car would never understand that F1 is the technological pinacle and indeed ultimate pinnacle in motorsport!

Whats this? Kubica rumours to Mercedes to replace the happless Schumi?????

Right then, to quali we go!!!!!

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