Saturday 12 June 2010

Two week gap - Now its the Canadian GP baby!

Justin: Hello to one and all, well hello to our known two readers anyway! The fallout from Turkey has rumbled on and on over the last two weeks, and it looks set to continue going into the Canadian GP.

There is literally bucket loads to discuss and analyse! Love it!

A nod to my absent co-blogger this weekend -he is moving house and blogging duties are all down to yours truly. He might add something during the week, so be sure to check us out at the end of the week. I myself will struggle to watch the race this weekend as I'm off to a gig in London on Sunday night, but like the true professional that I clearly am I aim to watch the highlights on BBC at 12:15am that same night.

Down to business...where the hell to begin??

Interesting piece in The Guardian today about Ferarri and how they have fallen behind in the development race. I also find it VERY interesting that they have opted to sign Massa for another two years, especially given that people like Kubica are out there on the market. Anyway, Stefano was asked about the car and how they seem to not be able to develop it as quickly and all, he stated that "Fernando is still in the title hunt, he is fighting, wants to fight, always does his best". No mention of Massa at all. Interesting. Course, I may have taken that slightly out of context as it was put to Stefano just before that that Alonso was the pre-season title favourite and yet he lies a fading fourth with Massa seventh. Still, even with that, there was no "and Felipe is doing his best too"......As someone said to me the other day, Ferarri do that sometimes...they sign someone up then buy them out of their contract a year later....Kimi...where are you mate??

I don't know if anyone reads the BBC blogs by people like Andrew Benson, Ted Kravitz etc? Those guys have done excellent jobs investigating and theorising as to what the hell went on at Red Bull during and after the Turkish GP. It's pretty clear from looking at all this that Vettel and Webber have descended into a somewhat frosty co-habitation. Red Bull have signed Webber for 2011 so they will have to find some way to get along. Do they still share information? Once that stops, all bets are off!

I am waiting the quaili coverage today as I saw on the BBC website that Vettel was interviewed and asked if he and Webber would be watching Australia vs Germany together! haha...I am gagging to see his reply there!!

Thing is, I wouldnt bet against them doing exactly the same thing on the track this lets face it, both guys have said they wouldnt do anything differently at all. This is starting to remind me a bit of Lewis vs Fernando in 2007 when Maclaren had the best car and in fighting stopped either guy getting the title.

Taking me onto Maclaren....Interesting that Hamilton's engineer was asked by Hamilton "if I am saving fuel, will Jenson overtake me?".....the engineer replied "no lewis, no". Whitmarsh later claimed that Hamilton's engineer had given lewis incorrect information. Perhaps he took fuel saving to mean they were both to stay where they were.

Unlike Red Bull covering things up, blaming everyone, nobody then changing their story again, Maclaren's story seems perfectly reasonable...that it was just misinformation and miscommunication. Button later explained that he had a set lap time to aim for and Lewis was two seconds slower on the lap before which is why he caught up so dramatically.

Still, those guys seem to be able to manage their relationship pretty well at the moment. Button is just incredibly laid back that it's almost untrue. Then again you could say the same for Webber, and look where that got him, a team-mate in his sidepod!

Practice One was dominated by Maclaren, with a certain Schumi third...was he third? I think he was...anyway, the Ferarri's are lurking ready to pounce I hope...well I say Ferarri's...theres only one of them I actually care for!

Practice Two saw Vettel rise to the top of the standings - git! Oh incidentally, Nick Heidfeld was interviewed off the record by one of the BBC guys and he said of everyone he had spoken to in the paddock....EVERYONE was of the opinion that Vettel was 100% at fault for the Red Bull crash. Clearly he doesnt speak to anyone at Red Bull then :-).

I'm just reading the BBC F1 gossip column and apparently Michael Shumacher would love to see Jacques back in F1 next year so they can renew their rivalry. Villeneuve is apparently still pushing ahead trying to get a seat after this years failed Stefan GP venture.

Button and Hamilton are planning to watch the England match during and after their quali debrief - at least they cannot fall out over it. One wonders if Vettel and Webber's relationship will deteriorate further due to the footy today!

One last thing, I'm glad to see the Canadian GP back on the F1 circuit. Having been there and walked around every corner and inch of the track I can safely say its one of my fave's and Montreal is a beautiful city. The track of course is named after one of the most naturally gifted drivers in the history of F1 - next season could see the return of his son. As my co-blogger knows, I will be rather excited at this prospect.

PS - Schumi is now apparently "concentrating on preparing for the 2011 season"....on all evidence thus far should we presume that this primarily involves making his sofa very comfortable and stocking up his beer fridge for race weekends?!

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