Tuesday 15 June 2010

Better late than never!

Justin: Apologies to our readers for this later than usual post race blog. I managed to catch the highlights late on Sunday night but was absolutely knackered there after and couldnt blog that same night. So here I am on Tuesday.

To be fair, perhaps theres not too much that needs to be said about the Canadian GP that was. The racing spoke for itself. The 5 guys going for the title were the 5 guys in a league of their own during the race.

Fernando and Lewis in the pits...what a spat that was! I enjoyed that one immensely!!!

Schumi was all over the shop being a total git as we always knew he was. Trying to put Massa in the wall is not a good move mate!!

Speaking of Massa...Fernando is making him look stupid frankly and Massa now sits nearly 30 points behind Fernando in the title standings.

So, this blog is quite short yes...but with the absence of a fellow blogger this week added to the fact that with this race, perhaps it goes unsaid that in out and out balls out racing terms, this was the best of the year...ooppps I just said it....and that this season is vintage already!

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