Tuesday 29 June 2010

Red Mist Part 3

Justin: I originally just set out to respond primarily to the text I received saying Alonso was a crap driver and that he was spouting crap. I believe I quashed both these points with a reasoned, if slightly bias ;-), arguement.

Now my co-blogger has responded too, and again this leaves me with a sense of needing to respond. Andrew Benson himself (king blogger who we should all look up to) says that if Lewis hadnt hesitated then perhaps Alonso would have been able to get past the safety car before it fully emerged, so, he perhaps wouldnt have ended up 9th whatever the outcome of Lewis and his shennanigans.

"If Hamilton had simply carried on flat out, he - and perhaps Alonso, too - would have passed the Mercedes before it crossed the safety car line and there would have been no problem".

Having addressed that one and batted it out of the park...ok its a "perhaps" but still, I dont fully believe that Alonso would have ended up in 9th whatever the scenario. Anyway, having addressed that one, what my co-blogger doesnt realise is that yours truly was online on our blog site whilst he was blogging yesterday and I saw the first title he thought of using ;-).

I must stress that I am an Alonso fan, not a Ferarri fan. Surely thats obvious with all my Massa bashing. Speaking of Massa, Martin Brundle commented that he still doesnt think he is the same Massa as the pre-spring in the head Massa of last year.

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