Sunday 30 May 2010

Vettel cocked up big style

Phil: I think that's a fair summary of the afternoon's racing.

A few years ago there was a running joke in my family (at least I think it was a joke) where every birthday my Mum would send me the birthday card with Mauricio Gugelmin airborne at Monaco after a first corner shunt, and the incredibly funny thought bubble, 'Mirror, signal, manoeuvre...oh bugger!', pretending that she'd forgotten she's given me the same card the year before. A roundabout anecdote, I know, and not a terribly interesting one, but Vettel probably had one of those moments. He's rumoured to talk to himself inside his helmet, so the conversation probably went something like this: 'pass Mark up the inside, turn in nice and early for the corner, hold on, wasn't I overtaking someone? Oh cock.....' Maybe that explains the international slightly loopy hand gesture he was doing as he walked off across the gravel trap. The alternative is that he deliberately sabotaged his teammate's race, which is really too sinister to contemplate. Either way, Lewis and Jenson gave us an object lesson in how world class drivers overtake their teammates, and Vettel showed us how things are done in....Formula 3, or something.

What happened to the Ferraris this weekend? I was expecting Alonso to come scything through the field after his disappointing twelfth place on the grid, but he didn't. In fact, he only managed eighth, and even that after Vettel disgraced himself and Alonso managed to shunt Petrov off while passing him.

Skiver of the day normally goes to someone who's showered and changed before the chequered flag falls, and today is no exception (see above).

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