Monday 31 May 2010

Red Bull turn on Webber?

Justin: A nod to my fellow blogger on the birthday card thing. I had the exact same card for a few years in a row from my parents. Happens to all those who are brought up on F1 it seems.

There is so much to cover with this blog. I only watched the highlights and I could barely contain myself watching them. This season is rapidly becoming the classic we all hoped it would be. I offered a Murray Walker "HHHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY" when Vettel swerved into Webber. My co- blogger will no doubt correct me (but I dont think I need correcting on this one), but we haven't had a case of such high profile, top team, going for the title team-mates taking each other off in such a style since the late 80's.....what were those guys names again?? :-).

Let me get this straight - I agree with my co-blogger and the whole planet (bar two people...Horner and Vettel) that it was blatantly Vettel's fault. He was inside Webber, but not ahead at all, and blatantly, clearly and visibly turned to his right....he knew Webber was there. All Webber was doing was holding his central line as he was quite rightly entitled to do.

Vettel is a prick, end of. I saw two different interviews with him, one during the race and one after it ended. In one he blatantly blamed Webber and in the other he muttered something about respecting the team, not putting the blame to one guy etc etc. WTF? Is this his way of saying he did it?? Horner was exactly the same after the race. I watched the interview and listened intently....he seemed to be placing more of the blame at Webbers door for not leaving Vettel enough room!

Eddie Jordan rarely ever talks any sense...ever. But....he made a valid point commenting after having seen the last Horner interview. He said something very, very strange is happening at Red Bull and that he thinks Horner seems to be blaming Webber. Mark Webber had better watch his back at Red Bull from now on, as EJ, and I (thats right, I agree with EJ!) think the team supports Vettel over Webber.

Time will tell on that one. Still, Vettel being a cock sort of helped Fernando in that he isnt as far back in the standings as he should be. Bloody awful weekend for Ferrari, they need to get a quicker car...quickly!

Watching Button take Lewis and vice versa was lots of fun and gave me another Murray Moment of yelling. Also, I found myself cheering Lewis as he took Vettel too...a rare moment for me I must say!

So, its Webber on 93, Button on 88, Lewis on 84, Fernando on 79 and Vettel on 78. Out of them, the champion will emerge.

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