Tuesday 18 May 2010

I am Murray Walker

Justin: Ideas for the blog just keep hitting me at the moment - much of it regarding the past weekend at Monaco.

My co-blogger mentioned that we sat and watched the race together, and we both mentioned that I am the Murray Walker of the legendary pairing.

There is proof of this. As the safety car emerged for the final time, we were watching with anticipation and holding our collective breath. It was just about to come in and (remember this blogger worships Alonso) and I commented "could be good, someone is bound to be half asleep here".

My co-blogger obviously saw the rather amusing side as Schumi slithered by for 6th. How many times did Murray unwittingly sabotage Nige, Damon etc by remarking that things were going well before their engines exploded on cue etc etc??

Obviously I remark above about safety cars coming in etc etc, but this has no bearing on my views on the whole alonso vs schumi fiasco, which can be found elsewhere on earlier blogs.

As a parting shot at Brawn and Schumi....anyone notice how Ferarri always used to bend/ break rules to their advantage? Anyone notice now that Mercedes are doing this too.....it doesnt take a genius to see the two common factors :-).

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