Sunday 4 December 2011

Kimi, F1 news and other things

Justin: Ah...Kimi....what great memories we have of you and your classic soundbites. My co-blogger made me chuckle once again by sharing the legendary "I was having a shit" moment. Somewhat poetic too from my colleague, given, as he said, Brundle is leaving and Kimi is coming back.

I had a root around on youtube for other classic Kimi moments and found two gems! Small children and interviewers may have their work cut out next season!

Classic stuff!

Brazil Review

The "I Was Having a Blog" live event in HW, for Brazil, went down a storm. It was a good race, but not a great one. Good to see Mark Webber nail a win down and hopefully go into winter and next year with some hope and raised confidence.


Kimi coming back to Renault means, in my mind (plus I have heard the rumours) that if Kubica does come back at all, it will be with Ferrari and not Renault. He is out of contract at Renault and a top 4 team has apparently offered him as much testing in an old spec car as he needs once he is ready - so they can also assess if he is ready or not. Massa's days are numbered......if...big if I think...Robert does make it back.

Rubens still has no drive, but the fact that Kimi didnt go to Williams could help him I guess.

I think I can safely speak for my co-blogger as well as myself and say it would be great to see both Rubens and Robert back next year.

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