Tuesday 15 February 2011

Orgy of statistics!

Justin: My co-blogger and I had a "I Was Having A Blog" live phone chat last night. It was the usual....ring each other to see how life is treating us, catch up etc...that takes all of 1 minute then the conversation tends to drift directly to Formula One for the next hour. Last night's F1 chat lasted around half an hour....probably because there isn't too much F1 news to chat about....so our chat got onto statistics...and...wow....we had a mind blowing semi quiz/ semi historical tour of F1 winners, youngest winners, youngest champions etc....always a pleasure my friend.

My co-blogger will hopefully be blogging some fun stats later today.

I stand corrected on the two Lotus Renault teams....apparently Team Lotus are using Renault engines....my co-blogger found this on Wikipedia...this season will be a tad confusing me thinks!

We talked of Kubica's injury too. This isn't like his last massive accident which just involved broken bones and he was back after two races. This will take months to recover from, as his hand is vital in racing. Only when he gets back in a car will he know how much pressure the hand can take gripping a wheel at 200mph whilst fiddling with other buttons and taking a few G's at the same time.

Oh yes....I forgot to say....Senna....in a black and gold Lotus? Come on Renault...Lotus Renault....give him a go please!!!!!

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