Monday 30 August 2010

What a Race!!!!

Justin: I seem to be saying that a lot this year. All but one of this years races have been fantastic.

Qualifying was a chaotic mess of cars, traffic and crashes much like a race. This was all because of rain. Good old Spa with it's ever changing weather. The race was much the same.

The fun began on the warm up lap when we heard over a pit to car radio (I forget who's) that they expected a rain shower at 8 minutes past two. Oh dear.

A pants start by Webber saw him drop to 6th, with Lewis leading them round on lap one. Button had a fantastic start and managed to get up to 3rd. Then the rain came.

It's at this point I should say whilst watching I lept up at this point and did a Murray Walker "HHHEEEEYYYYYYY", as the BBC camera panned to watch a car go by at the bus stop and the car went straight on, then around 8 other cars followed as the track became wet. Carnage and mayhem, always fun. Rubens couldnt brake and broke his own car by smashing into Alonso. This was just the start of things going wrong for the guy who had the car for a top 3 finish.

Alonso then darted into the pits for intermediates and to check his car wasn't wrecked by Rubens Williams. Unfortunately after the safety car, the sunshine appeared and Alonso came in again two laps later for dry tyres, sending him down to 20th.

It's sending me giddy trying to recall all that happened during this one frankly! Hopefully my co-blogger will cover what I fail to mention.

Button moved up to second but was holding the field up with a damaged front wing. Cue Vettel and his impatient ways to end both his and Button's races, and probably both their championship chances too. Looking at the move again, it was all Vettel's fault...the little weasel. To be fair, he did apologise afterwards..first time for everything I guess. Definately not his championship year at all...too many mistakes. The same could be said for Alonso, as DC pointed out after the race, he is driving with frustration and has made more mistakes this year than during the rest of his career.

There was a fun scrap between the Mercedes team-mates on and off throughout the race and they ended up 6th and 7th which wasnt bad at all, as they both started a long way back on the grid.

Webber gained 2nd via Kubica overshooting his pit box and clipping a mechanic. Some people will say Webber will be annoyed about the clutch issue he had at the start and not getting the win. He himself said he was very happy with 2nd, and so he should be. The difference at the end of the title race could be the luck he found in jumping Kubica in the pits, who knows?

Near the end of the race we heard Hamilton asking his pit crew "when can I come in? It's getting really wet out here", as the rain tumbled again 5 or 6 laps from the end. His team replied "we dont want to jump too soon"...cue Lewis then sliding off the road and just about keeping it going through the gravel.

At this point, or soon after, Fernando was in 8th and looking to push on and he ended up going off instead. Driver error.

It was a fantastic race. My hat doesnt come off to Lewis much at all but here it does.

With Button, Vettel and Alonso scoring no points, its looking a bit more like Lewis vs Mark for the title now. Though there are still 6 races to go of course, but with 5th placed Alonso some 40 points from Lewis at the top, its looking like more of a struggle for him, Button and Vettel.

What is interesting is the dynamics within Mclaren and Red Bull. They'll have to back Lewis and Mark sooner rather than later if the others dont pull their socks up.

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