Tuesday 24 August 2010

It's so close I can taste it!

Justin: The boredom of Formula One-less weekends is nearly over people!!! Moto GP just doesnt cut it frankly. Thats the only time I shall mention racing on two wheels on this blog.

Seems my co-blogger and I spent our F1 forced cold turkey doing much the same. I bought the Daily Telegraph book of F1, which essentially goes back to 1950 and reprints major F1 news stories as they happened through the decades. A fantastic read frankly. Reporting on just how F1 drivers died in the 50's,60's and 70's was rather graphic and blunt frankly. There is also a fantastically amusing section on f1 driver to pit radio chats, which I'll delve into with my co-blogger at our next I Was Having A Blog Live event.

Belgium is a few days away! Niki Lauda and Ferrari have been at each others throats in the holiday period. Lauda came out and said Ferrari will be slaughtered at the World Council hearing in September. Ferrari responded by saying that once again Niki misses a chance to keep his mouth shut and said he didnt seem to mind team orders when he won the title with them. Ouchie.

It's been widly reported that if any points deductions come into play it will be for the team and probably not the drivers. I agree with this. By September Alonso could be well in the hunt for the title, and taking points away from him will reduce the battle from 5 people to 4, thus taking away from the drama I think.

Not much else going on in the news and gossip columns really. Webber cannot guarantee he will be on the grid in 2012, having signed to Red Bull again for 2011. He said he wants to get the world title, but wants to pursue other sporting goals before retiring to drink red wine in Oz. I have a feeling he might very well be defending his title next year. That could be fun, with Vettel in the team alongside him once again.

Onto Belgium we go! It usually rains here.....if it does....I think Jenson will rise to the top. Both races he won this year were in wet/changeable conditions and he made excellent decisions at the right times. He reads conditions better than anyone, where the grip is etc. If its a dry race, I see Alonso taking it to the Red Bull duo as he has done the last couple of times.

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