Tuesday 13 July 2010

Christian Horner is a weasel and disgusts me!

Justin: My esteemed co-blogger pointed out that I'd most likely be covering the shocking events surrounding Fernando and his subsequent dropping out of the title race...as lets face it, at 47 points behind Lewis it will take quite a turn around now considering Fernando has not won since the first race and the Red Bulls and Mclarens are picking up points at all races now. Yes you heard it hear first, I havent lost faith with Fernando at all, I've lost faith in the car he is outdriving at most races these days. If you want to see just how shit the Ferrari can be in the wrong hands, just look at Massa...sorry...more Massa bashing. Its true though, Fernando is driving that car to the best of it's abilities. Ok, his start on Sunday was shockingly poor and his race didnt really recover thereafter, but still, when you are desperate to stay in the title fight and outdriving a car that doesnt go as fast as your rivals, then mistakes happen.

Anyway....Red Bull's treatment of Mark Webber is shocking. I only saw a bit of the pre-amble on quali on Saturday and I saw EJ interview Horner about the wing. I was watching final practice and saw when the wing came loose from Vettel's car. With whats gone on before, its a simple answer....Red Bull blatantly favour Vettel. If they were equal, Horner would have said to Vettel "sorry mate we only have two wings and you broke yours"......not "oh sorry Seb you broke your front wing, lets nick Marks!".

One word for the way Horner carries himself, talks to the cameras...lies to the cameras about team orders and number one's etc......(fucking) disgusting!

I like Mark Webber a lot....he is a thoroughly likeable chap, straight down the middle honest, and he is fast and quite capable of being champion this year. So he is 33? So what? Mansell and Hill both blossomed later in their careers.

To my co blogger and readers......that first corner....wasnt that Mansell-esque balls out racing by Webber as Vettel tried to go round him and Webber maintained his ground and said "no fucking way mate"? Sheer Aussie grit and determination that was!

I was watching in a cafe in London and the cheers when everyone realised it was Vettel that went off were fantastic! I dont think he is liked too much. Perhaps that was because most people were following Hamilton...fools!

Fernando....what can you say? He has been extremely unlucky with rulings these past two races (as Mark Webber would say...karma for previous incidents?"), but whatever has happened, the Ferarri is nowhere near fast enough and the fact now remains that Alonso is two wins away from Lewis at the top. At this point in time I dont see Alonso winning a race...I would say a Ferrari winning a race, but that assumes Massa has the capability...blatant massa bashing again but hey its true.

Agreed co-blogger....a fantastic drive from Jenson from 14th to 4th.....the drive of a (double) world champion? These are the sorts of races that really count when you are on damage limitation.

Onto Germany in two weeks now...Go on Mark....you owe Vettel a thrashing in his home race! Can you tell who I want to win the title now Fernando seems a bit out of it? Dont get me wrong....never write off Fernando's abilities, he may come back after just one dnf from Lewis...it all changes in an instant if someone from the front fails to finish and others score big...I like this new system...but at the moment Fernando is severely down, if not out.

I shall blog again soon after having soaked in the news roundups.

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