Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Stat Man


Well, I have to say, my ability to quote stats in the world of F1 is bettered only by my co-blogger. The first Lotus podium since 1988 hey? Whilst he has quoted far more in-depth and number related stats previously, and I'm pretty sure he heard this particular one on BBC coverage over the weekend.... (?), it sure is a good one. Technically, they aren't even really Lotus at all now either - after all the wrangling that went on last year, Lotus Group/ Proton has pulled all money out of the team, aside from sponsoring them in name only now until 2017 - so, surely now they are almost "Team Enstone"? 

Combine his above stat with the second one about podiums/races/drivers - my mind boggles!

It was a good race in Bahrain. I go with the view that with all the media attention at least the spotlight was on the country and the issues it is currently having - raising awareness of the problems etc. Then again, on the flip side you could easily say that the Silver cars from Woking are half funded by Bahrain money and Bernie was receiving a truckload of cash to hold the race. Then again, he'd probably have got his grubby little hands on the cash race or no race.

I'm going with a few sub-headings yet again!


A great win that reminded me of....all of last year. And, as my colleague remarked, of Nico last week in China.


Anyone else notice Webber quietly creeping up the title standings to third, just a handful of points off the lead? In a year where there is a different winner every race, consistency might very well be key here - wasn't it 11 different race winners in 82, where Keke won the title with just one win?

Button and Hamilton

Oh dear boys. Not the best race there!

Naughty Nico

Whilst the stewards found him not guilty of anything - his defending against Alonso and Hamilton was marginal and a tad rude at best.


Great to see Kimi up there fighting for a win - though anyone would have thought the world had ended in his interview afterwards - still, surely thats a sign that he is a born winner and anything less just isnt good enough. The Kimi of old is back it seems!


Some great forum banter - Jake and DC collaring Brundle! Apparently Sky had cleared away and were going home! Martin told DC not to be late for dinner and Jake pondered where his invite was. Good to see they still have some banter.

DC then lost his man bag. The horror! Though his shirt was significantly better than EJ's range.

3 weeks til Spain now. Bah!

Look out for my next F1 hero soon.

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