Saturday 7 April 2012

Gilles Villeneuve

Justin: It's 30 years since the death of one of, if not the most, naturally gifted drivers of all time.

Motorsport magazine has this month written a few fantastic pieces on the man and I recommend that my co-blogger pick up a copy - or just read mine next time we meet.

Interestingly, Jacques has started opening up about his Dad since he left F1 - he rightly didn't want to speak of him when he was starting his career as he wanted to carve his own way.

I couldn't help but notice one piece of writing by the editor - He was talking about Villeneuve looking at today's F1 and being unfussed about it, he'd just get on with racing the wheels of whatever he was driving...usually a pig of a Ferrari.

Holding on against the odds in fifth place, a supremely gifted racing driver, grappling with a pig of a Ferrari and scoring points them team didn't deserve. The spirit of Gilles lives on in the pure racer form of Fernando Alonso.

Until this, I'd never thought of those being similar, but when you look at how many times Villeneuve dragged a performance out of his cars on pure driver brilliance, you can start to see the comparisons.

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