Wednesday 20 October 2010


Justin: A nod to my co-blogger regarding the Villeneuve Dynasty tip off....I'll give it a look. There was at least part of this action on Murray's Magic Moments, which my colleague and I watched together on Sunday. You think when we're not blogging we switch off from F1? Absolutely not!

This chap that designs all the new circuits......surely someone should realise they all have one or two elements in common and perhaps someone else should be comissioned to build tracks? It all comes down to money no doubt.

Everyone might be shocked to see me giving a headline to Massa, as we know my views on him. But even I'm not sure just how broken he has been by Ferarri and Alonso this year. He has come out and said that he will support Fernando by fighting at the front with the 5 guys going for the title. This is the guy who came back from a life threatening crash...who in 2008 was a corner away from being world champion. As much a fan of Alonso as I am....even I'm not sure where Massa is coming from. I'd imagine the team told him to say these things....good PR for the team after it in his contract? Does he not care anymore as he knows he will leave at the end of the season, as he stated previously he won't play second fiddle to anyone? I don't know, whatever his reasons, you think when someone who has been pummelled into the number 2 position like he has....well, when they say something like this, is it just admitting the truth they themselves dont want to admit? Either way, Alonso fan or not, I find it a bit sad.

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