Thursday 23 September 2010

Stinging criticism...

Justin: I saw my co-blogger had finally blogged and I then checked the weather for Singapore for race weekend and from today until Monday it does indeed look like non stop heavy rain for the Marina Bay circuit. Fantastic! Check out the BBC weather website for details. I bet Jenson Button is fancying his chances.

Elsewhere Lewis has named Fernando as his closest rival for the title....sort of....BBC reported it as if he had said this, but he merely said "I guess the guy who won the last race".

Touching on what my esteemed colleague said about the new points system versus the new one.....Bernie Ecclestone is still ranting on about introducing a medals system for 2011 claiming that the new system has not worked at all. Twat. This isn't the olympics.....F1 should always have points for finishes as the method of tallying up the title race. End...of.

I feel I must defend myself amidst scandalous accusations from within the "I Was Having A Blog" team about my last blog and leanings towards Alonso being mistaken for arse licking. At most it was merely a friendly pat on the arse for Alonso.

Always goes well at Singapore doesnt he....

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