Monday 2 November 2015

30 days, 30 blogs...Day one: My love for F1 never really dies


It has been a while!
I last blogged about the Hungarian GP back in late July. Since then, I've, more often than not, gotten a little frustrated watching F1.

In a fair few races there was a distinct lack of unpredictability about the race for first. Essentially, due to Hamilton's dominance over Rosberg, there was no racing for the win.

There has been racing galore through the field, but fun though that is, I really get off on the race for the win.

It only takes a moment to restore the faith
Maybe my deep passion for F1 allows it too easily back into my good books, who knows. Before Austin and Mexico City, I actually fell asleep during a couple of races.

Austin was an insane race from start to finish. From early on, the two Red Bulls got into the mix and certainly upset the Mercedes running order.

Capgate was hillarious! One can understand Rosberg being frustrated and angry with himself and that probably enhanced his feeling of annoyance at being run out of road by Hamilton at the start.

The race in Mexico City - erm, wow! Every time the cars raced through the baseball stadium section, where the cars go between two massive grandstands, you could hear the roar of the crowd.

The podium celebrations taking place in that area, rather than the pit straight, was a pure stroke of genius. F1 is back in Mexico.

So, as part of a series of challenges I am setting myself over the next 30 days, one of those is to compose an F1 blog every day. No matter how long or short, any or all F1 topics may come up.

There is plenty going on in F1 right now to chat about, plus the fact I currently have four F1 books on my coffee table to read.

Here are a few pics from Hungary that I took, to remind us all where I last left the blogging.

Catch you tomorrow.

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