Monday 12 September 2011


Justin: A solid roundup of the events at Monza there by my esteemed colleague.

I couldn't agree more with him about Jenson Button. Whilst for the second half of last year, Button's first year at Mclaren, Hamilton pretty much blew him away (especially in qualifying), this year has seen JB consistently faster than Hamilton in races. I'd even go as far to say that JB has had more standout "wow, did he really just do that?!" sort of mentioned by my colleague...Montreal was a masterclass, Spa, even Hungary where he didn't make nearly as many errors as Hamilton.

I watched the F1 forum after the race. It featured Button and Martin Whitmarsh skirting around questions about the finer details of JB's contract talks. He'll definately be at Mclaren next year, and it seems for a few more years after that. You could tell Whitmarsh absolutely loves JB and it seems JB seems equally at home at Mclaren. Rumour has it that his easygoing charm sits well alongside his quest for speed with the mechanics and everyone loves him.

In fact, you could easily say its more JB's team than Hamilton's these days. Let us not forget, that many people said Lewis would blow Button away when JB first moved there, and JB went and won 2 of the first 4 races of 2010!

As much as Button has been driving supremely, Hamilton has been driving quite raggedly all year. Overtakes are sometimes great, but a lot of the time he nerfs others and himself off. Until he stops doing this, he can forget about future world titles.

If JB continues to drive like this for the rest of the year it could prove crucial in gaining further momentum over Lewis for 2012.

My favourite moment of the race at Monza, bullet start by Fernando aside, was the 20 odd lap squabble which saw Lewis stuck behind a rejuvinated Schumi. It was quite a battle, with Schumi pushing the limits like the Schumi of old.

Then Jenson came up and breezed by Lewis as he backed off a weaving Schumi, then within minutes Jenson took Shumi. Thats how ya do it Lewis!

It was amusing to listen to the pre-podium comments by Vettel to Alonso about the pass which saw Vettel forced wide onto the grass. Vettel was smiling and saying "I was on the grass"...Alonso shrugged and replied "yeah".

Later Vettel called it firm but fair, whilst Alonso apologised apparently.

Onto Singapore we go. Let the battle for second commence!

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