Sunday 17 July 2016

Austria, Britian reviewed and a preview of Hungary


Whoops! Nico probably thought, well Hamilton hung me out to dry so many times that this time it is my corner and I'll run him out of road. Hamilton was optimistic trying to overtake around the outside of a 90 degree right hander.

I love how nine out of ten British media reports said Nico bottled it. He didn't. He was experiencing a few brake problems, which resulted in him coming out of the first corner slowly.


Fair play to Lewis. A dominant win. Nico again struggled in the wet.

Standout drive had to be Max 33!!


This is a must win for Nico, to turn the tide of momentum. It will ebb and flow through the year. He won the first four races. Lewis has won four of the last five.

Ah Hungary...memories....