Thursday 26 September 2013

Why people choose to boo Vettel - My theory


It isn't because he is winning all the time and making things pretty dull ala the Schumi era circa 2001-2004. Oh no. I'll get to why in just a moment.

You have to say, this year is starting to feel like 2011 again (whereas 2010 and 12 were vintage seasons).

I sat watching the Singapore GP in Mallorca and thought "well that was dull, I could have been out in the sunshine". 3.4 seconds ahead after the first lap is just depressing. Brilliant, yes, but it doesnt make for a good GP to watch.

The title is gone for the year. Alonso, Hamilton....forget chasing him. He is out of sight lads.

There is no denying he is making the most of being in by far the most superior car. He is the best driver in the best car. It is rare that a world title is won by anything or anyone but that combination.

Massive regulation changes are coming for 2014, and as Alonso said, everyone starts from zero. It is the biggest chance everyone else will get to beat Red Bull and Vettel.

You read on forums and websites EVERYONE complaining that he should be respected, not jeered and heckled when on the podiums. Why? It's every F1 fans right to pick and choose who they cheer or boo. We are told F1 is a gentleman's sport and Vettel should be treated as one.

Again. Why? Surely he revoked all his gentleman privaliges when he pissed all over his own team, made himself bigger than the team, in Malaysia this year.

Schumacher put himself above the laws and everyone else by barging Hill and Villeneuve off so blatantly. By "parking" in Monaco and knowingly blocking Alonso's last flying lap. The list goes on.

If I was at a race, I'd boo Vettel for what he did in Malaysia.

Mark Webber is the most well liked guy in F1 at the moment. The same reason people boo Vettel on podiums is the same reason they all cheered his retirement at Silverstone. Webber is an adopted Brit, hugely popular at that. People didnt like one bit what transpired in Malaysia.

It's a permenant stain on Vettel's reputation I'm afraid. What annoys me further is he puts it down to the fact he is winning all the time. I'm sure if you polled the boo boys a large percentage of them would say the hatred stems from Malaysia.

It went beyond pure team order fiasco's of the past (ie Massa moving aside for Alonso in Germany in 2010 - the team ordered that, as Alonso was far ahead of Massa in the title race - ok thats when team orders were banned, but you get the idea - Ferrari gave an order and it was accepted).

If Mark Webber had so blatantly ignored an order and barged past Vettel, I'd imagine his punishment would have been far more severe than the telling off like a naughty schoolboy that Vettel received.

So, Vettel, thats why you get booed on Podiums. Deal with it. Don't cry.

Roll on 2014!